Okay, so I couldn't think of a name. Sorry! Anyways, I couldn't remember what my old site was called, so I just made a new one. If y'all want to put something up on here, just send it to me and I'll post it eventually.... |
I have no idea what day it is - I have officially finished The Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go read it...now! |
Other Stuff
I have to give some page dedications now.... Manny - The Eminem pix are for u Caitlin - the two (and growing) pages of Orlando Bloom are yours, but you have to share with Paige
Ally - You can have the Johnny Depp page, which is part mine (actually, they're ALL technically mine, but I'll just let that slide....j/k)
Gabs - I'll find something for you
That's all I could think of for now...Let me know if you want a photo page of someone or something and I'll work on it.
I'm suposed to write something here....but there's nothing to say....if you think of anything....tell me.... (Is that Kate Bosworth's arm? If so she should go in a hole and stare at a wall! Along with Hillary Duff and Richard from Survivor)

I'll try to change the picture every now and then....enjoy! ORLANDO BLOOM - He really likes to wear this stupid yellow hat (though it makes him look so cute and intelectual, right?). I found like forty of him with it, he needs to burn it.